Sunday, 9 February 2020

Start how we mean to go on...

Hello you,

Yes, you.. not everyone, not hello all, hello YOU! 

I wanted to start my first blog post with how I mean to go on, and that is to ensure that you, the person reading this right now, gets whatever it is they wanted from this blog.  There was clearly a reason why you ended up here, whether that is a battle with weight loss, hormones, disorders or diet tips.  Whatever it may be, i hope that i can help you in some way. That is my aim, i want to help, even if it just reaches one person, maybe just you, if I know that i have helped then my job here is complete!

I want to make you feel like you aren't alone, like there is someone out there that has been/still is as clueless about this part of the world and is just making it up as she goes along.  Trying the next thing and just hoping something sticks and works someday. I think i'm there, but that isn't the first time i've said that. 

I've had my ups and downs, not just the number on the scale, but my emotions, my mental state and much more.  We all know that one size fits all doesn't work in clothes, but yet we still don't seem to retain that information when it comes to weight loss, dieting and many other factors in life. 

With this blog i hope to pass on my insight into diets i've tried, hormonal issues i've faced/still face, mental and emotional issues linked to weight and much more. 

I hope you stick around!

All my love, B x

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